Is Marriage Good For Your Health Analysis

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The article " Is marriage Good For Your Health?" Tara Parker, states many reasons why is marriage good for your health. William Farr a epidemiologist, he divided the adult population into three categories: Married, Single (Celibate), and Widowed. Married couples are healthier then those who have never been married. Also the marriages can be repair and it does not always need to be a horrible experience but "if staying married means living amid constant acrimony, from the point of view of your health. "your better off out of it", Kiercolt-Glaser say's. Now, are married couples really healthier then a single people?
Married couples, are known to be more happier, live longer, and healthier lives. This is due to having someone who can be there for you in difficult times, sharing moments together, compare to someone who is alone. Marriage is viewed to give happiness to someone's life. "The Celibate those are defined as bachelors and spinsters who had never been married" ( Tara Is marriage good for your health). Widowed those who experienced the death of a spouse. I think these three categories are all surrounded with it's own healthy life style and unhealthy life style. …show more content…

Although, married couples can also develop health problems within the years. In the article it talks about how marriage can be good for your health, but it also talks about how "women who are in unhappy relationships and the women who remained emotionally hung up on their ex-husbands had decidedly weaker immune responses than the women who were in happier relationships ( or were happily our of them)" (Glaser is marriage good for your health). Many couples who get married and have a unhappy marriage will suffer be at risk for heart attacks, cardiovascular disease than those couples who are happily

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