Advantages Of Facebook Essay

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Is Facebook Good Social Media for older people?
Social networking is getting more popular and common nowadays. However, there is a stereotype that the Internet correlating is created only for young people, and can be popular only among youth. Some people are also interested in joining the social network. Old people are in need of social networks on equal basis with the youth, not only to diversify life but also to learn and study something new, stay close to the modern world. Facebook is a prime example of a website that is preferred for these purposes. Therefore, Facebook is an Excellent Social platform for older people. In fact, from the year 2000 to the year 2009, the number of people who aged between 50 and 64 who use Facebook increased by 70%. With Facebook, older people have the ability to share a lot of things with family and friends, including the safety and security and it’s easy to use.
With Facebook older people have the ability to share photos and videos. Older people always stay close to relatives with the help of Facebook. They can communicate at any time they want, send and receive photos and videos from each other. This way it is possible to keep informed of events of the family life. In addition, there also can be found old friends and distant …show more content…

Facebook is good because good network for older people because they can share photos, videos, its safety and security and its easy to use. After retirement, most of the older people are unable to travel to meet with their relatives and Facebook offers an efficient platform for connecting with the relatives. It increases their self-competency, cognitive development as well as healthy impacts on their bodies, both physical and mental. In their ages, the older people are still able to enjoy activities across the platform as they learn new skills about

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