Is College Worth It? By David Leonhardt And Chris Matthews: Article Analysis

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College – a blessing or a curse? Students loans are inevitable for most people, which causes many to feel as if college is a scam and not worth attending. Writers David Leonhardt and Chris Matthews’ articles further debate the value of a college education. Leonhardt’s article, “Is College Worth It? Clearly, New Data Say,” argues for a college education while Matthews’ article, “Why college isn’t for everyone explained in a single chart,” argues that college is not necessary for everyone. Though both writers make valid points, I believe the struggle of paying for college is worth it because good things don’t come easy. Leonhardt focuses his article on the salary of a college graduate in comparison to a high school graduate. Readers find out …show more content…

One can automatically deem this article biased and therefore invalid because it doesn’t account for the whole population of college graduates. Matthews continues by writing about how college graduates do not know how much they could have made without a college degree, and that one’s salary depends on their career choice. Students who flunk or drop out of college often have high debts which they cannot pay off, so if they’re unsure about their career path, they should wait until they are sure. While it is very true that salary is based off of one’s career, salary should not be the main factor one considers when going to college and declaring a major. If one is truly happy with what they’re doing, their salary does not matter if they have enough money to be financially secure. If one does not know what to do with their life, they should attend college anyway and speak to as many advisors as they can. It is unlikely for someone to suddenly find a passion without the help of others and the resources provided by universities. In addition, undergraduates must take various general education requires before getting into their major, so they will have plenty of time to think about their major before declaring it. As I stated in the previous paragraph, risks always pay off compared to playing it safe because at least one tried their best to make something happen in

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