Is College Necessary To Success

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It is said: there is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs. This is quote proves to be true when we talk about college. Many people ask why college is so necessary to success. They say, well Steve Jobs dropped out of college and so did Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg; however, we can’t misinterpret special circumstances in particular moments as an indication of a likely outcome. Put simply, most people are not Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, or Mark Zuckerberg so successful people need to seek out a college education. Only 4.2% of college graduates are unemployed compared to the 9.7% of high school graduates. College offers more job opportunities as well as higher paying jobs which is why my partner and I stand on the firmest negation of the resolved. Resolved: the costs of college outweigh the benefits. Contention 1: Better job opportunities …show more content…

However, going down the potential list of careers we might want to pursue when we get older, there aren’t many that you can say, “I don’t need to go to college for this”. More likely than not you need a college education for the career you are seeking as an adult. You want to be a doctor, college. No question. Lawyer? Yeah, you’re going to college. Engineer. Most likely going to see you in college too. Writer. College. Teacher. Yes, that requires college. Employers look to see that college degree. Obtaining a college degree tells them that you have a better work ethic, as well as plenty of other skills instilled in you from attending college. The fact is that the labor market of today has little to no high-paying, low-skilled jobs. At the end of the day you get what you pay for when it comes to college and

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