Is Art A Waste Of Time? By Rhys Southan

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In “Is Art a Waste of Time?” Rhys Southan examines Effective Altruists’ (EA’s), an organization that advocates people to pursue a career that provides money for generous donations (Southan). Southan also explains how EA’s believe that it is an ethical choice in giving up one’s hobbies to increase their income for those living in extremities (Southan). Despite the EA’s view of ethical standards, there are many variations of what people consider to be right and wrong behavior. Jobs such as being a teacher, a doctor or an artist, all have related ethical principles in which could define how moral a person is in their occupation. An ethical career is one that allows a person to have integrity, compassion and passion when helping others. One of the standards for working ethically is by having integrity in an occupation. Most major careers today are in existence for improving oneself, and a person could lie to advance themselves in life. However, by having integrity, a person is able to help others by being morally honest rather than lying to gain for themselves. For example, an individual who works as a teacher aims to enlighten students by being academically honest, and by being truthful when they are wrong. If a teacher is honest and fair with all of their students, it will increase …show more content…

On the other hand, if a teacher is does not have

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