Intrinsic And Extrinsic Essay

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1. What is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation? How do these types of motivation influence an individual’s ability to be successful?

The definition of intrinsic motivation is that the student has a drive or grit as a self motivator, “Intrinsic aspirations - to help other improve their lives, to learn, and to grow- or what we might think of as “purpose goals”( Pink 142). An extrinsic motivation is one of external drive such as wealth or getting a good grade in school. “Extrinsic aspirations- for instance, to become wealthy or to achieve fame- what we might call profit goals” (Pink 142) The difference between them is that the intrinsic is a desire from within the psych or an almost spiritual goal while the extrinsic …show more content…

Autonomy is one 's self drive. The dictionary’s definition is autonomy, noun; the right or condition of self-government. “Mastery - the desire to get better and better at something that matters.” (Pink 111) Mastery is the strive to perfect the goal, the asymptote equation. “This is the nature of mastery: Mastery is asymptote. You can approach it. You can home in on it. You can get really really close to it. But like Cezanne, you can never touch it” (Pink 127) And purpose is the drive to do intrinsic goals. “Purpose provides activation energy for living ...I think that evolution has had a hand in selecting people who had a sense of doing something beyond themselves.” (Pink 134) Motivation 3.0 affect an individual’s motivation and their ability to be successful by giving them that internal drive to strive to do more and better. The growth mindset if you will they possibility of getting better and better at something not being the best but at least growing form when the person arrived at. Their ability to become successful is what makes Motivation 3.0 is the upgrade as Pink called it, “Motivation 3.0begins with a different assumption. It presumes that people want to be accountable- and that making sure they have control over their task, their time , their technique, and their team is a pathway to that destination “ (Pink 107)

4. In "Success," what is Pearse’s definition of success? From what point of view

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