Theme Of Motivation In The Great Gatsby

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Once stated by Dwight D. Eisenhower, “Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it.” The aforementioned ideology places an emphasis on an individual’s internal desires, rather than an outside/external force driving the individual’s consciousness (cognitive evaluation.) Therefore intrinsic motivation is one in which an individual 's own desire comes from within; a relentless and genuine passion for an intended goal. On the contrary, when an individual relies on external factors such as, a reward or any other form of external reinforcement, an extrinsic motivation is exhibited. Although society likes to stress the importance in pursuing an internal motivation, in today 's modern world, an extrinsic factor far outweighs an internal desire to accomplish an objective. As humans, we are too diverse in the way we think and develop, lending the mere classification of an internal motivation to become redundant. Furthermore, as
Scott Fitzgerald, the humble ideals of the American dream described in the Declaration of independence becomes completely radicalized by the corrupt vision of wealth in the U.S. during the 1920s. Instead of focusing on the equality for humanity and the inalienable rights of man, the American dream shifted to how much wealth you were entitled to by the end of your life. Jay Gatsby, one of the main characters of the novel, is consumed by a drive to become wealthy in order to regain the love of his life. He acquires a relentless urge to become wealthy, to the point where his actions and motives are dictated by money. In the end, Gatsby loses all of his friends and never truly becomes happy. Through this novel, Fitzgerald comments on the prevalent belief that, in order to be successful one must be wealthy or strive towards it, even if it is by any means necessary. This lends to the belief of wealth acting on a person 's motivation towards any aspect in

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