Interpreter Of Maladies Analysis

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Interpreter of Maladies is all about gaps in communication, even between people who speak the same language. But that doesn't mean characters don't communicate in Lahiri's stories; they just often struggle to do so. Love and marriage are also complex in Interpreter of Maladies. In these stories, marriage is an occasion of joy but also of secrets, silences, and mysteries. The themes of marriage and communication, or lack thereof, are some of the most prevalent themes throughout each tale in Interpreter of Maladies.
Miscommunication or unexpressed feelings weigh on several characters, destroying their well-being. A Temporary Matter is the best example of secrecy taking its toll on a marriage. Shukumar and Shoba, lost in their own grief, cease communication with one another. Blackouts allow them the freedom to share secrets they have never shared. They are unfailingly honest and can no longer maintain the illusion that their marriage is …show more content…

Considering there is a lack of communication, there are few successful marriages in the collection. Twinkle and Sanjeev's relationship showcases the contrasting attitudes and attributes of marriage in Lahiri's collection. Although they are both born in America and their marriage is not arranged, Twinkle and Sanjeev are nearly strangers to one another. No matter what romantic feelings transpire within couples, each husband and wife in the stories remain individuals, each with their own secrets and desires. Sanjeev doubts his love for his wife because of this disconnect. Shukumar and Shoba are radically altered by the death of their child, and the toll is taken on their marriage. They are no longer the same people as when they met. Love is found in unexpected places and can shift in the wake of experience. By reading Sexy from the point of view of a mistress, the reader also understands that each romantic connection is a unique and personal affair. There are no absolutes or strict

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