Inter Agency Relationship Paper

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Effective communication and information sharing are key ingredients in successful inter-agency relationships. Building positive relations through open communication and trust are essential in developing and maintaining a healthy work environment. When agency rivalry occurs, proactive preventative measures must be utilized to continue productive and positive relationships. The Brownwood Police Department and the Brown County Sheriff’s Office is attempting to overcome agency rivalry among the narcotic division to create and implement a regional drug task force. Collaborative communication will be a key component in the development of the task force. In 2016 both the Brownwood Police Department and the Brown County Sheriff’s Office transitioned …show more content…

“Proactively reaching out to partner with other agencies and community groups enhances positive relationships and often results in the formation of strong friendships” (LEPS 510 Module 3). A meeting was scheduled to “air out” past grievances. The narcotic investigators, their direct supervisors, and both agency department heads attended the meeting. The meeting quickly turned confrontational between the investigators. They were not able to listen effectively as they allowed past experience and expectations to shape what they expected to see and hear (Fitch, B. 2016). The investigators treated each other rudely and were critical of one another in the past. The department heads and supervisors, who were acting as facilitators, were unable to utilize a core principle of the IMPACT model being identify and manage emotions. The facilitators became emotionally involved which created more conflict. “To complicate things, when conflict does arise, there is an instinctive tendency to bunker down and reinforce the lines between competing groups” (Reynolds, B 2014). They would have benefitted from incorporating tools to assist in managing the meeting and the emotions involved. “Three of the most effective tools for managing strong emotions are asking questions, reframing, and paraphrasing” (Fitch, B. 2016

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