Intellectually Disabled Person Analysis

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The best part about running is the fact that a person does not have to be the fastest or the most athletic to just go for a run. Running is an activity that humans have done for thousands of years. A person does not need to have any particular ability or skill to run because it is a natural concept. With that being said, even those who are intellectually disabled can run. Running has always been a big part of my life so coincidentally most of my life experiences originate from there. We had a young lady on our track team who was intellectually disabled, she could function on her own and make a few choices but needed a lot of assistance. Since running is something very natural she needed little to no help understanding the concept.

Elizabeth would show up to practice every day ready to run. She was more energetic and positive than some of our best runners. Regardless of the weather, work out, or intensity she was ready to run. She came everyday knowing this was a time for her to be good at something, to be in her element. As a team, we encouraged her to come and run with us because we saw how happy it made her. Even our coach loved to have her there. We had very few problem with Elizabeth; everyone tried to …show more content…

A few times she would get lost and other times she would not fully understanding the workout. Her mom warned us about how if too many people were talking at once or if Elizabeth was overwhelmed she would freeze up and not understand what we were trying to communicate. We learned quickly to have one person do the talking. It was so disheartening to see her so overwhelmed that she would freeze. It was even worse was when she came back too and knew what happen; she was always very embarrassed. We would repeatedly tell her that we were a team and that she was accepted here, and she did not need to be embarrassed. It did not stop her from coming in the next day with her head down and

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