Integrity And Accountability

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San Jacinto College's values impact the decisions I make on a regular basis. I hold myself accountable to make sure I stay true to each and every one them.


All values build upon each other however, in my personal opinion, I strongly believe that integrity and accountability are the foundation for all. You cannot live up to any of the other values, if you do not act with honesty and if you are not willing to acknowledge and assume responsibility of your actions. With integrity and accountability, you build trust. I am transparent with the decisions I make and assume responsibility of my actions and that of my team. I own up to my mistakes and learn from the experiences. For example, every week each food market submits …show more content…

I have been fortunate to work with a lot of individuals in the past nine months. For example, Adventures in STEM/MindTrekkers 2018 was a big collaboration team among San Jacinto College, our local ISDs, and our Industry Partners. This initiative brought together over 611 SJC employees/students and many industry partner volunteers. With collaboration, we are able to create initiatives that have a positive impact on our students and the community. MindTrekkers gave our SJC students the opportunity to be teachers for the visiting sixth graders and allowed them to practice their interpersonal skills as a way of ensuring their success. This event also allowed staff to interact with the community, Moreover, we made an impact on 4,600 sixth grade students and over 400 community members who were able to experience 100 science …show more content…

I set high standards for myself and my team and commit to work as hard as we can to fulfill our commitments. For example, these past months have been challenging with at the Food Scholarship Markets with various delivery issues. My team and I have committed to do all it takes to make sure our SJC students get all the food possible. For us this means taking redeliveries to ensure we can offer them as many products as well possible. It also. means opening and staying after hours of operation.


Achieving excellence requires being open to new ideas in order to improve the changing needs of the individuals we serve directly or indirectly. Last fall, the Dow Chemical Foundation awarded San Jacinto College a grant to give nine middle schools in our district a kit with 11 different science experiments. As we all know, Harvey caused a lot of damage in our area. This grant allowed us to help the most impacted schools with an innovative way of teaching science to their students with a more hands on approach. Based on the feedback, teachers have incorporated these experiments in their lesson plans.

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