Intake Appointment Reflection

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This interview was conducted by the client, BT and I, by informing and assisting him with completing the necessary document to be assisted with services. The Intake Appointment was very productive as we both was able to get through the document as they were explained to him. I handled the interview without any issues that made it possible for me to inform him about ICMS, and for the client to gain some understanding and to ask any questions he wanted to ask. The client responded to me by expressing his needs and concerns on getting the assistance he requested. The client was able to express himself and ask any questions he wanted answer to about ICMS. The objective for this interview was achieved. I did my job to inform the client about ICMS as stated above to see if he was interested in receiving services. . The focus for my future work is to complete my part in completing the other documents to get the client assign a ICMS Worker to assist him with what he requested that is stated in his Service Plan form. …show more content…

I would like their feedback and/or suggestions on information that would be vital for my performance and when engaging with the

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