Customer Service Reflection Report

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Reflection Journal (Individual) Assignment
1. As a student, you’re being treated as a customer by the polytechnic. Recall a service you had received since the day you had applied for admission (eg admission exercise, enrolment exercise, financial services, counselling services.) Rate it and suggest one big improvement in the level of customer service. Write in the following format:
a. describe briefly the service you had received
When I was filling up my forms for the admission exercise, I made a call to the Admissions Office because I was not sure of the things I should fill up and I had to apply for bursaries as well. I was not in a panicked state because it was the last day to submit all the forms. When one of the staff answered she greeted me with a very cheerful voice. I explained my situation to her but I was a bit angry as I did not have much time left to submit the forms. Even though I was a bit rude, the lady still was very nice to me and she told me what to do. Eventually all my doubts were cleared and I managed to submit my forms in time. Because of her my admission exercise was made easier and I did not have any more difficulty in getting my forms submitted.
b. rate it (using the classification on Lucas, p361 – also in slide 17, workshop 1) and justify your rating
I would rate the service as Average. I am happy at the fact that the staff at NP are very friendly and they do not sound bored or angry even when faced with difficult students like in my situation. Usually people would retaliate and make rude comments but this lady who answered my call. Instead she was very diplomatic and patient and answered all of my questions in a cheerful tone. This service is not one that I encounter in Singapore. However this is actu...

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...dingly so that I make sure I fully understand what my friend is trying to say.
5. It is ideal that the customer and the customer provider be of the same behavioural styles, ie RR, DD etc. Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not?
I agree that the customer and the customer provider should be of the same behavioral style. When both parties are of the same behavioral style it becomes easier for both parties to understand each other. Communication then becomes easier as both parties tend to act the same way and they know how the other party may react. If both parties are of the same behavioral styles in a retail situation for example, then the customer will feel very welcome and can communicate her wants to the other party with ease. As a result, this also ensures that the customer will return and keep buying from that shop.
References: CSE PowerPoint Slides

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