Insanity In Christopher Nolan's The Dark Night

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“You either die a hero or you live long enough to become the villain.” (The Dark Knight) These thunderous words come from Harvey Dent in Christopher Nolan’s “The Dark Night”. This seminal film laden with depth and intrigue is abounded with a sharp juxtaposition of good and evil, light and dark, and virtue and vice. This is primarily manifested by the interesting relationships between Batman and Harvey Dent, and Batman and the Joker. Batman works tirelessly to remain the hero Gotham needs him to be, as the city is fighting to keep afloat through a swamp of mob-violence and money laundering. However, trying to be “decent men in an indecent time” (The Dark Knight) proves to be almost impossible. These three focal characters in the movie define the body of work with their …show more content…

It’s unquestionable that his ethics and lack of morality are twisted and wrong, yet his actions and articulations lead us to wonder about his high level of cognitive ability. It appears, as it is suggested by the man himself, that the Joker is merely, “ahead of the curve”. His actions do not take into any consideration the wellbeing of others, but at the same time they do not appear to be carried out with personal mal-intent. “Some men can’t be bought. Some men want to watch the world burn.” (Dark Knight) These words come from Alfred speaking with Bruce about the realization that the Joker is in no way a normal human being. This is further supported in the scene when the Joker is speaking to Harvey Dent in the hospital, “I’m just a dog chasing cars. I wouldn’t know what to do with one if I caught one. But I just do… thing”. (Dark Knight) The Joker’s actions are not carried out because of some revenge or hatred, but rather, out of some contorted desire to test the characters of people. He marvels at his ability to being even the most notable and moral figures to the ground; which is exactly what he does to Harvey

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