Insanity: A Short Story

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Insanity turned back into her true form, the look on her said showed that she was willing to murder anyone who get in her way. Her hands begin to glow and then a purple flame ignited and she threw fireballs at me. It was hard to avoid them because every time they hit the wall it explodes. I couldn't see either because of all the smoke, which that had me end up bumping to some one with a glowing blue eye. The smoke kinda cleared up and the glowing eye person was Sans but he looked kinda robotic. He then said “ Casie remember this is a dream you can think of anything, but Insanity is real and so am I, if you don't remember I’m Gear Combat.” Now the name makes sense “But Insanity, she killed you. How are you here?” I asked “Well it's simple,

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