Injuries In Athletes Case Study

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Injuries are part of an athlete’s life from the time they decide to train. An athlete is aware of the risks in order to be perform and be the best at what they; however, they cannot afford to think they will be injured. They must adopt a mindset that they are untouchable and the best in order to perform and train and peak efficiency. When an injury is sustained however, the effects are disastrous to an athlete not only physically but mentally. An athlete’s mind is the most important thing to them arguably, because without the will power and determination channeled from their mind they would be unable to perform. Injuries in athletes can change their mentality, increase depression, and shake confidence (Clemtent, 2015). Injuries may affect the physical body but many researchers and doctors tend to think the mind is even more affected then the body. Injuries are only physical but mental and affect the psyche of athletes in every sport. This paper will discuss the psychological effects and impact of injuries that can lead to depression, lack of confidence, and change in realistic expectations and the limited …show more content…

In 2014, a group of doctors ran a study looking for specific symptoms in injured athletes and compared them to athletes that had not been previously injured (Fordyke, 2014). Lack of confidence was not one they specifically outlined in their research, but noticed its effects during the study. The athletes demonstrated: grief, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and then acceptance (Fordyke, 2014). These signs could not be found in any of the health professionals. However, with all of these negative symptoms, there was one more problem that caused the athletes difficulty in returning: they had no confidence in their body, which meant they were not mentally ready or fit to return to the field of play. Without confidence, an athlete is unable to

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