Initial Contact With The Client

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Assignment 4 Initial Contact First contact with the client is very important because first impressions are usually lasting. It is very important to make the client as comfortable as possible. A client must see that you are on their side and they will not be alone in their journey through recovery. As a counselor your client must trust you and for a client to build trust the counselor must always be honest in the session and keep promises that are made to the client. When the client comes to treatment for substance abuse they are feeling very uncomfortable and ashamed because of what has happened to them some of them may not even have a choice in the matter if they were court ordered to do so except for jail. The client …show more content…

One of the tools used is open ended questions open ended questions are used by the counselor to get the client to tell you something in great detail resulting in a long answer. Counselors use closed in questions to get specific information from a client. Paraphrasing is when a counselor will listen to a client speaking about something and then repeat what the client said sometimes using different words. This method is used to clarify what the client has said and sometimes the counselor uses this method to bring attention to a particular comment the client has said. A counselor will observe the body language and facial expressions and often these observations will give the counselor the general mood the client is or sometimes even their attitude. Summarizing focuses on the main points of the information the counselor has gotten from the client this can serve two purposes one is to insure what you have written down during the session is accurate and it also lets the client know you have understood them clearly. A counselor takes notes during a session and uses these notes to refresh their memory about the session later and uses the notes to update the client’s records …show more content…

I f a counselor shows interest in what the clients strengths are this give hope to the client that they can change and with that hope the client will have a better chance of saying in recovery. The counselor knowing the clients strengths and what is going good for them can guide the client to those areas and focus on the functional part of their life. The more the counselor works and focuses on the good aspects of the clients life the more the client thinks about the way they think of themselves which leads the way to the change the client needs to better their

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