Infrared Saunas Research Paper

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Infrared saunas got their start in Europe. They are becoming more popular here in America and if you go to a spa, gym, or even, at times,to see a physician, you may find them there. These saunas are not as big as the traditional one. The difference between them and a traditional one is that they use infrared heat to make you sweat.

One of the many great things about infrared saunas is that you can get all the health benefits of the sun without the harmful effects of the sun. Since it does not hurt your skin like the sun can, there is no need for you to wear sunscreen. When you use them on a regular basis is not bad for your health. However, it is a good idea to limit the amount of time you spend in them because you may get a burn from the radiation. Even though you do need to keep that in mind, it is not possible for you to get permanent skin damage from them.

Even though they …show more content…

When you are finished with the sauna, it is a good idea to drink water, juice, or sports drinks to rehydrate yourself. Alcoholic beverages are not good for you due to the fact that they will make you even more dehydrated.

Heat Stroke

Heat stroke is a more critical and serious type of dehydration. You can have a heat stroke if you do not use an infrared sauna like you should. If you stay in it for too long or turn the temperature up too high, you can have a heat stroke. The reason for this is that your body cannot cool off as it should. A sign that you may be having a heat stroke is if you stop sweating. Additional symptoms of heat stroke are headaches, feeling queasy, dizziness, and your heart rate speeding up. If you have these symptoms, while you are in a sauna, you need to get out of it right away, rehydrate, and lower your body temperature.

Bruising or Swelling of

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