Informative Essay On Prescription Drugs

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Doctors these days prescribe drugs for people that have pain, and then patients get addicted to it. Then it becomes extremely hard to get of of them. Drugs affect the way the brain works and how the body works. It basically weakens the body’s health, and the body itself. Also these days patients trick doctors into thinking that they have a problem so then the doctors gives the drug to them that’s another reason why people abuse prescription drugs. Prescription drugs are highly addictive that is why people abuse them. It gives them a rush/high which means it gives them pleasure, but there is a downside to this. It is very bad for the health as I said earlier in the writing. So many people get hooked the drugs, but then they don’t know the consequences, Doctors surprisingly are sometimes the bad guys here, because they can be involved with drug dealers and the drugs …show more content…

I completely agree with this, because the doctors are basically using pills to cure illnesses when it sometimes make it worse. “A Pill for every ill”, “Is what many people expect in a consumer driven society and what time pressured doctors find themselves signing up to.” As I just said earlier in the writing doctors are prescribing way to much drugs to patients. We should do something about this “crisis”, because it is killing innocent people. Let’s talk about the type of drugs, mainly focusing on Methamphetamine. 98% percent of people that try this drug get addicted. I still truly don’t understand why this drug is the most addictive. 45% of people that try it either seek help or die by an overdose. Methamphetamine is a very deadly drug as you can see so far. The people/companies that produce this drug make a lot of money, because so many people abuse these type of drugs get addicted and keep paying the people that make the drugs. That’s how they make a lot of money. On an average day they make about 600,00

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