Information Without Knowledge And Information By Albert Einstein

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While thinking about what to write in this paper I began searching through quotes from Albert
Einstein. I have always had a fascination with Albert Einstein not only because of his great contributions to man, but also because of his down to earth approach to life. The above quote struck a chord with me on many different levels. On its face there is a great truth in what Einstein said. Information without knowledge is useless. I think most people can relate to a class, or lecture, or other training event where there was little question that the presenter has had no real world experience with the subject matter they are presenting. In other words they are presenting information without knowledge. It is similar to the old adage about learning …show more content…

I have to know not only the rules to the game, but the way in which the rules are applied.
At times police are their own worst enemies when it comes to knowledge and information.
Cops tend to hate change and we often throw fits when things do change. When laws change we often belly ache about the changes and begrudgingly accept the changes because we have to. There have been times in my own tenure as a police officer that I have possessed information about changes in laws but do not have knowledge of how to use that information. At times I have had to endure embarrassment at doing something wrong, or by having to ask how to do something.
I make efforts to stay on top of my profession, the changes in policy and law. I intend to retire as an officer, and to look back on a long successful career. I hope to advance to a level of supervision one day. I have been fortunate in my 8 years as an officer to experience a wide range of situations and circumstances, some of which are once in a lifetime. I acquired a lot of information and knowledge over my career. However to sit back and say that I know it all would be a lie, and I know that I must stay on top of my continuing education or get left …show more content…

I graduated in 2007 with my degree, so I the information I received then is approaching 10 years old or older. Likewise my classes at the Tennessee Law Enforcement Training Academy were in January 2009. I hope to use the opportunity to learn brush up on older concepts in criminal justice, while learning new concepts and skills.
In addition I want to make sure that my day to day performance is top notch, and that I am serving the citizens if my community to the highest level that I can. While it is relatively easy to stay on top of the skills I use on a daily basis, I want to make sure that my foundation in those skills is current. I admit that there are terms and important legal cases that I am familiar with only by the name. I know at one point I was able to recite most of the information that our legal system is currently based on, but now scratch my head on some of the more fundamental points.
After obtaining my Master’s Degree I plan on continuing on my career path as a street officer. I hope to advance up the ladder at my department and retire with a long and proud career to look back on. I love to learn and am looking forward to furthering my education with Bethel

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