Inflammatory Breast Cancer Research Paper

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Inflammatory breast cancer
Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) is a rare but rapidly developing form of breast cancer which blocks cells of the lymphatic system covering the breast (Institute.). This leads to inflammation of the breast, redness, swollen, nipple retraction, persistent itching around the tumor site. Sometimes the skin covering the tumor might look like that of an orange, which is commonly refer to as peau d’orange (Fouad, Kogawa and Reuben). The breast might become tender with not palatable tumor making traditional diagnosis methods like mammography and ultra sound not a used to treat IBC (Komen).
IBC progress rapidly in a matter of weeks and months and most cases are diagnosed when the disease is already in stage III or stage IV, depending on the affected areas. It account for about 1-6% of breast cancer cases since most people discover with this disease barely survive (Wingo). IBC diagnoses vary about demographics. Younger women are more susceptible than their male counter parts, while African America women have a higher risk of getting the IBC than Caucasian women (Wingo). Furthermore IBC are common among obese women than women with normal weight.
Symptoms …show more content…

Symptoms of IBC may be mistaken to mastitis (A painful infection of the breast tissue) or other forms of breast cancer or related diseases. Due the high probability of a misdiagnosis, women with IBC have a lower survival rate. Different individuals might have varying symptoms and the most common symptoms are edema (swollen), and erythema (redness) of the skin. The breast might appear pink, reddish, purple or have ridges like that of the skin of an orange (peau d’organge). The nipples might look flatten. Patients often complain of pains in the breast, or a rapid overnight increase in the size of the affected breast or swelling of the lymph nodes under the arm or the

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