Indian Textile Industry Essay

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Indian Textile: a comparative study of present and future of textile industries in India
Mrs. Monika Dwivedi
Academic Associate
Deptt. Of Home Science
Uttarakhand Open University
Email –
Contact No. - 9758568764

The Indian textile industry is thousands of years back. Textile industry plays a vital role within the terms of sales era in Indian economic system. . The significance of the textile industry is likewise because of its contribution in the commercial production and as an employment provider. Today, Indian textile industry is one of the leading textile industries in the world. It is the 2nd largest industry after China, although there's big gap between India and China. In last few years, China has started …show more content…

Indian market

India deals in cotton based textiles. So, excessive volatility in cotton prices has an unfavorable impact on entire deliver chain.
In an technology of uneven global healing, there are many brief-term, medium term and long time risks in terms of geopolitical tensions, volatility in economic markets, stagnation and occasional ability increase in superior economies and decline in capability growth inside the emerging markets, set an uncertain economic outlook which leads to unsure demands.
1. India deals in cotton based textiles. So, high volatility in cotton prices has an adverse impact on complete supply chain.

2. Rise of Triangle Manufacturing- Where garment manufacturers shift cotton from low cost origin to low cost converter and then ship to processing country to stay competitive, instead of getting it directly from the low cost origin source. Likewise, China has started getting their yarn manufactured from low cost converter countries like Vietnam which will take some % share of India as well and then getting the yarn shipped to China and remain competitive in the global market. So there remains an uncertain demand factor from China which is a big

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