Important Points in Making Sport Safer

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Important Points in Making Sport Safer

Safer sport

Be in proper physical condition to play a sport. If you play any

sports, you should effectively train for that sport. It is a mistake

to expect the sport itself to get you into shape. Many injuries can be

prevented by following a regular conditioning program of exercises

designed specifically for your sport.

Know and abide by the rules of the sport.

The rules are designed, to keep things safe. This is important for

anyone who participates in a contact sport. Rules of conduct,

including illegal blocks and tackles are enforced to keep athletes

healthy. Know and follow them.

Wear appropriate protective gear and equipment.

Protective pads, mouth guards, helmets, gloves and other equipment is

important. Protective equipment that fits you well can keep safe your

knees, hands, teeth, eyes, and head. Never play without your safety



Athletes with high consecutive days of training, have more injuries.

While many athletes think the more they train, the better they'll

play, this is a false impression. Rest is a vital factor of proper

training. Rest can make you stronger and prevent injuries of overuse,

fatigue and poor judgement.

Always warm up before playing.

Warm muscles are less vulnerable to injuries. The proper warm up is

essential for injury prevention. Make sure your warm up suits your

sport. You may simply start your sport slowly, or practice specific

stretching or mental practice depending upon your activity.

Avoid playing when very tired or in pain.

This is a set-up far a careless injury. Pain indicates a problem. You

need to pay attention to warning signs your body provides.

Fair Sport

Sport is kept fair by segmenting only certain groups of people to play

against others: Men and women do not face each other, unless

in mixed gender sports.

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