Analysis Of The Myers-Briggs Profile

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The Myers-Briggs profile was based on the test developed by Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Briggs Myers (“The History of the MTBI assessment”, 2017). There are eight letters that can make up your profile E, N, F, P, I, S, T, and J. “E” stands for extrovert, meaning someone outgoing or social. “N” stands for intuitive, meaning the person goes off of their reasoning or feelings about something. “F” is for feelings, which represent an emotional state or belief about something. “P” is the symbol for perceiving, which means the way you process or take in a certain situation. “I” is for introvert, someone who keeps to themselves. “S” is for sensing, meaning you use common sense. “T” is for thinking, meaning you use your intellect. Finally, “J” is judging, which is making a …show more content…

My Myers-Briggs profile graded me to be an ENFP (16% extrovert, 25% intuitive, 34% feeling, and 12% perceiving). I am slightly more extroverted than introverted due to the fact I am a very social person and enjoy others company. For example, at work I can start a conversation with anyone and everyone. Talking is a big key to working in customer service at a store known for its highly social workers. I feel that my mood almost always determines how social I am most of the time. I prefer to use my intuition over actually sensing out a situation. I use my intuition over sense most of the time according to my profile. This can be seen in almost any decision making situation I am put into. When I first met my boyfriend everybody told me, “Graceanne you are crazy this guy just plays games!”. All I kept saying was “No, there is something different about this one I know it.”, no matter how many times we fought my intuition always took me back to him for some reason. There was just something about him since the first time we met that told me this is right. We have been together for a year now with

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