Importance Of Teaching Activities In Teaching

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 Introduction :--
The role of teachers is very important for all-round development of students. We know students are pillars of our national development. So, use and development of new creative teaching strategies, creating new ideas for excellent teaching learning and development of competencies and skills in students is very necessary demand of present modern age from teachers and education system. Teaching is a complex, multifaceted activity, often requiring us as instructors to juggle multiple tasks and goals simultaneously and flexibly. The following strategies can make teaching more effective and more efficient; by helping us create the conditions that support student for whole learning with minimize the need for revising materials, content, and policies. In this Paper I tried to focus on some various new creative teaching strategies and learning activities that can use teachers in their teaching and other educational activities for all-round development of students.
1. Use of Motivated Activities in Teaching :-- …show more content…

It is trans missive, casts the student in a passive role, and can often be dull. On the other hand, it is relatively cheap and easy to provide, if well done it can be motivating, it gives the teacher an opportunity to establish his or her presence and personality, and it can summarize and articulate the key facts, principles and learning objectives. Good exposition requires ability at public performance combined with good subject knowledge, good preparation and often good supporting props. Exposition is easy to do badly: hard to do well. It is not essential that exposition is managed solely by the classroom teacher: online video delivered by e.g. the Khan Academy may provide a useful supplement to classroom exposition, especially as online video can be accessed anytime, anywhere and is likely to be of much higher quality than classroom exposition. That at least is the vision of the flipped

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