Importance Of SDS Assessment

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After completing Holland’s code on the Self Directed Search, the summary code I earned was SEA. SEA stands for social (S), enterprising (E), and artistic (A). My result didn’t really surprise me because of the assessment we had taken in class, however, I was surprised when I my highest score on the assessment was on social. The assessment states that social people likes to help others with their problem. Which in this case, is true for me. This is why I am in pursing my education in graduate school because I do want to be in the counseling profession. This assessment also mentions that people who are social have high interests in people and their relationships with others. Although, there are times when I do enjoy watching, meeting, and getting …show more content…

First, taking this assessment can be fun and interesting. Especially when individuals can see the different sections they may be stronger in and which section they may lack in. When I took this assessment, I found it to be interesting because my results didn’t match the pervious assessments I had taken when I was in high school. I enjoyed seeing my results and ideal occupations that match my personality. Secondly, this assessment can be beneficial for individuals who feel like they don’t know or have any ideal direction into which career path they want to purse. Even if the assessment’s choices of occupations is not suited for that individual, at least the individual will be able to narrow down the occupations he/she doesn’t want to purse in and begin to find what occupation will be most suited for them. This assessment is also great because it has a large list of different occupations you can look into but also the level of education needed for each occupation. I also like how they also have the salary information, which will be beneficial for students who have a general idea of how they’ll be earning. This assessment can also help individuals understand their strengths and weakness base on their SDS scores of each section and give them an idea of what they can improve

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