Importance Of Recycling In Our Environment

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The Difference Recycling Makes in Our Environment



A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the requirements for CAE 11, Economics, CLE 11 and Math 11

Chapter I


Recycling is the process of converting used substances, waste or products into reusable materials. It is a key component of modern waste reduction. It has been a common practice for many years, dating as far back as 400BC.

Recycling waste instead of tossing them in the garbage has a variety of benefits for our ecosystem. Studies have shown that more than 60% of the rubbish that ends up in trash bins can be recycled. Through recycling we prevent the waste of potentially useful materials.

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Among the many benefits recycling provides, we can reduce the energy needed to make new products, reduce the fossil fuels extracted and save room in landfills.

Recycling is a step towards the preservation of our environment and our energy supply and while it is practiced by many it isn’t practiced by all. It’s not uncommon to see a person mindlessly dropping their trash on the ground instead of tossing it in a garbage can.

Although it has been a common practice for most of human history, many are unaware of the importance of recycling and waste reduction and the positive impact it has on the health of our environment.

Encouraging people to address the issue and become a part of the solution is beneficial for the health of our environment. There is no guaranteed solution to our environmental issues, but recycling does make a difference and it will improve our planet’s condition so it will be a worthwhile effort.

The world population grows larger each day, and each human being adds significant waste to the planet over his or her lifetime. We all live on the same planet and it’s our duty to keep it in good health.

Our efforts to protect our environment are not just beneficial to us, but to the future generations that will be following in our

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