Importance Of Natural Resources In Pakistan

882 Words2 Pages

The “Resource” is any economic or productive factor required to accomplish any activity or from which benefit is produced.
The proper use of natural resources along with the human resources is an important key to the economic and the social development and strength of any nation.
There are two types of resources.1)Natural Resources 2)Human Resources
Many of the developing countries like America use their natural resources to the ultimate effect which is an important key to their great economic strength.However,unfortunately,the non-developing nations like Pakistan are not using their natural resources in a way to get maximum results which can covercome the demands with the increasing population growth.
Here we will be discussing the natural resources of Pakistan which are being exploited and how can their use be made more effective.
Key resources of Pakistan
Three key resources of Pakistan are:
3)Oil and Gas

For a very long time coal has been used as important source for the energy production,such as the production of electricity and heat.It is also used on the industrial scale for the refining of metals.
Pakistan has fourth largest coal reserves in world.The largest coal reserves of Pakistan are found in Sindh which are approximately are 184.623 billion tonnes.However,small reserves of coal are also found in Punjab,Balouchistan and KPK.
There are number of power stations in Pakistan based on coal as the raw material.The total installed power generation capacity of Pakistan was 21000MWH in 2011.But this amount is not enough to overcome the annaual demand of electricity,since the amount of electricity production from water is also not a large value.
There are a number of coal based power project...

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... volumes, which hit 150,000 tonnes. At present,more than 200 packing houses are in action with production of about 8000 metric tons per day. Pakistan exported 268,741 tones of fruits worth US$ 79.83 million during 2000-01 which is increasing per year.
Pakistan is among the largest orange producers and exporters in the world.
Some of ways through which orange industry can be improved are:
1)The seeds should be provided at the cheaper rate with good quality which would encourage more and more farmers to grow this plantation and hence would increase the annual growth.
2)The exported fruit should be of best quality to gain maximum from cultivation.
3)Govt should take proper steps to maintain a proper balance of prices to the seller and the buyer.
4)The insecticides should be provided at the cheaper rate to so that the farmer would make maximum profit.

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