Importance Of Healthy Skin Essay

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A healthy skin is an important part of life, any one with pride in their appearance worries about their skin as it's the most visible and the largest of the body's organs. Through my research in skin care and maintaining a healthy skin, I'm going to share with you the 5 ways of which I feel are the most important to maintain and improve the health and appearance of your skin. KNOW YOUR SKIN Make sure you are using the correct products for your skin type. There is a massive range of products out there and most are made for specific skin types. If you suffer a reaction from any product discontinue use. If you are still confused speak to a professional and they will be able to point you in the right direction. * Don't come to the assumption …show more content…

While doing this you are Damaging your skin which is irreversible. * Over exposure to the sunlight over years makes the skin thinner and creates in the skin a appearance we link to ageing. Skin damage by the UV rays can lead to premature ageing, wrinkly, rough saggy, discoloured skin and skin cancer which in the US effects almost 50% of people and is the most common of all cancers. * If you can't break your need for the overall best tan there are some excellent artificial options that also protect from harmful rays and moisturise your skin making it a much healthier. * Even in winter a sunblock should be worn everyday to protect your skin from the harmful UV rays around us so try and incorporate skin protection into your daily skin care programme. A sensible sun care program will not effect a healthy production of Vitamin D. Thank you for reading I hope you receive some of the amazing benefits I have personally experienced throughout my own personal research. Please give it time. Don't be put off if you don't see results straight away if. It may take up to 3-4 weeks before you start seeing some truly amazing

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