The Effect of Tanning Beds on the American Society

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The Effect of Tanning Beds on the American Society Have you ever seen commercials on television advertising allergy medications? The advertisement states that taking the medication can cause abnormal sleep patterns, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, itching, watery eyes, rashes, and headaches. A conclusion could be made that the side effects of the product would be much worse than the allergy problem. However, people still purchase the product. The lengths an average person will go in order to get a quick fix is amazing. It is this way of thinking that makes tanning beds so popular. Over the last decade, cancer causing tanning beds have given self-image issues to people across the world. First of all, the history off the tanning bed did not start when tan skin was hip. The first indoor tanning lamp was created for medicinal purposes in 1906. It was used on ricketts patients to help them develop stronger bones .# How does a tanning bed create stronger bones? Sunlight produces vitamin D in the body, which allows absorption of calcium. The absorption of calcium creates stronger bones. This tanning lamp was not thought about again until the 1970s, when a man named Friederich Wolff came along. Wolff used “artificially produced indoor tanning UV light to study athletes and how they might benefit from more exposure to sunlight.”# The artificial indoor light also gave the subjects of his study a darker complexion. In the fifties, the invention of the bikini popularized tanning outdoors significantly.# This trend still remained in the seventies.

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