Importance Of Focus Matters Essay

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2. Pick What Matters Most

Once you plan out your day, go through the list and figure out what matters most to you. When things really matter to you, you will be more likely to put and keep your focus on them. If things are not really interesting to you or feel like a bore, then you will find yourself reaching for other things to do in order to avoid the pain of doing them.

A lot of experts recommend doing the things you hate first. But, others recommend doing things you love and getting rid of the things you hate. I have found that the latter has been beneficial for my happiness and success in life, and it is a much better option for keeping myself focused on what I want to do. However, if you can 't get rid of those painful tasks, then use some of the following tips to get through them as quickly as possible.

3. Use Alerts And Notes

It seems counterproductive to use an alert that pulls your attention away from what you are …show more content…

Put your phone away. Let people know that you busy and cannot talk or hang out when you need to stay focused. Make your focus a priority by setting up boundaries and rules in your life that keep you focused and on track with what you need to do.

4. Remind Yourself Why Focus Matters

As you go through your day and start to lose focus, remind yourself of the importance of focus. For instance, remind yourself how important it is to focus on your loved ones and have deep and meaningful conversations with them. Or remind yourself of the rewards you will get from finishing a task quickly. If you can create reasons that being focused will be more pleasurable than not being focused, you will be more likely to stay focused and reap the rewards.

5. Get Clear On Who You Want To Be

The most successful people know who they are and what they want. Unsuccessful people, on the other hand, don 't know who they are, why they are here, or what they want to achieve in their

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