Impact Of Globalization On The And Car Industry

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Elliott (2014) discusses the changes in trade from a production orientation in the early 1900’s to the more modern 2000’s societal market orientation. This has meant changes in the way organisations manage as they have had to increasingly cater to societies needs, and while these views change so do their outlook on what drives organisation success. (Simon et al. 2011) report on five surveys conducted in fields of advertisement, IT consultancy, law firms, management consulting and the ASX top 500 shows what managers now consider, makes a successful business. Car manufacturer, Mercedes Benz and Haines signature boats have had to move towards the finding in the report, improving customer and stakeholder satisfaction to ultimately grow their business. It could be argued that the trend to a more societal market orientation could be because of major advancements in technology, more specifically the wide spread use of the internet through wifi, lessons learnt from the GFC and the subsequent effects of major international trade in the boat and car industry. These general environmental elements have changed the way Mercedes Benz and Haines signature boats operate since there initial opening in 1926 and the 1960’s respectively. This essay will discuss how Mercedes Benz and Haines signature boats have adapted marketing practices due to general environmental effect in the specific context of Australia. The wide spread use of internet in the public through the invention of wifi has exposed businesses such as Mercedes Benz and Haines signature boats to mass media. Programs such as Facebook make word of mouth either an issue or way of getting new customers. Prior to programs like facebook, ‘word of mouth’ could have only a limited effect on an... ... middle of paper ... ...improving the technology that go into their cars and boats respectively. (Simon et al. 2011 p3) “Mercedes Benz is considered to be about the safest, most comfortable and technologically advanced car on the road. The car’s trademarked emergency braking system and its electronic stability program” has distinguished them as a luxury car. Haines signature boats are known as the (Scherman et al., 2014) “‘Mercedes Benz of boats’, compared to its competitors in Australia, Signature boats are much more aesthetic, and have better instrumentation and hutches, more comfortable and superior finishes.” The most significant characteristic to the Signature range is there deadrise hull. Characteristics such as these take highly skilled and sort after staff, for a organisation staff such as this can be hard to maintain if they are not catering to Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs.

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