Immigration in Little Bee by Chris Cleave

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United States is a typical immigration country. There are many people come from different countries around the world who immigrated to the United States. As a new immgration of my self, since the day that I came to the United States, cosmopolitansim’s problem is the one that I deal with every day, and it is also the problem that I have been thinking a lot. Acoording to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, “Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty”(A2). It is because of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the new immigrants could integrate into the new environment well, and not feel that they are not belong to this place. On the other hand, new immigrants in early period and the immgrants of some other countyies were not lucky because they need face the problem of discrimination, especially illegal immigrants. As the novel of Little Bee that we just read, is written by Chris Cleave. It’s about the main character Little Bee, a little girl was born in Nigeria village, and the greatest happiness of her life was playing on the swing with her friends. During the escape, her sister was killed by thugs. In order to hide the refugee status, she conceal her real identity when she was in UK, just call herself “Little Bee”. In the UK, she met Sarah again, a Britis...

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Through the novel of Little Bee, I realized that we should know more about ourselves, and the sence of pride of our own culture; standing on the point of a global perspective. Remove prejudice, narrow-minded and limitations, and learn to observe the different nation, different social, different cultural customs, traditional idea. Make us more rational, and have a more comprehensive, more understanding of the human society. We need standing on a higher level to regard ourselves and others. On the whole, all the people are the member of human and the society after all. If both the oppressed and the oppressor can try the best, the oppressor can help the oppressed as unconditional, and the oppressed can identify with their cultural background and self-awareness. Then, I think that cosmopolitanism is not an especially difficult to accomplish.

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