Negative Effects On Immigration

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Countless people across America view immigration as something negative; however, this thought can be proved wrong. Immigrants, both legal and illegal are ordinary people, but people like us continue to give them labels and cause them to feel like total outcasts. Deporting these people who love America just as much as we do is not the answer. Since plenty of immigrants work jobs and pay taxes, those immigrants do not negatively impact the United States’ economy. A great portion of the general public is not aware that immigrants consist of about one-tenth of America’s population. This means that despite the Americans becoming angry with immigration for various reasons, these immigrants are still paying taxes, but are receiving little, if any, government help. Regarding this Darrell West states, “One of the myths about illegal immigrants is that they pay no taxes. In fact, many pay taxes even when they are ineligible to collect social service benefits” (West 8). In recent years, Americans have become lazier. Fewer people are going out and searching for jobs due to this; instead, they are relying on the government to provide for them. This results in an abundance of jobs available for the immigrants to work; therefore, they are …show more content…

A 2007 statistic by the Migration Policy Institute showed that 35% of all immigrants were in the “above middle class” bracket, and 25.3% of immigrants were in the “middle class” bracket ( There are immigrants who are also helping our country achieve advancements in the field of science as well as the field of medicine. In a recent article, Stuart Anderson reports, “Out of the 72 Nobel Prizes won by U.S. citizens in Chemistry, Medicine, and Physics since 2000, 25 (35 percent) have been awarded to immigrants” (Anderson 6). Not only are immigrants beneficial to America’s economy, but they are generating advancements in research on a national

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