Immigration Argumentative Essay

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There are numerous reasons immigrants should be granted access into the United States. Barack Obama takes action to hopefully fix the immigration system where legal immigration can be simple. Barack also wishes to fix the system where felons are deported not families who have shown no sign of threat to our economy. Although, many individuals in the U.S. such as politicians and citizens do not agree with immigrants being welcomed into the U.S whatsoever. The reasons given are: immigrants supposedly pose a threat to the Unites States national security and are leaching off of the U.S economy. The fear in politicians and citizens has led to a great debate of whether it is time to remove the welcome mat for immigrants crossing the southern border …show more content…

Many business owners support immigration simply because they benefit from them. Immigrants have offered businesses a larger supply of labor and opened more profit to businesses for many years. Deporting immigrants will lead to an increase of needed labor in the United States, possibly harming many businesses. Authors Paula Brochu and Karen Dickson state, “western nations are extremely dependent on immigration for needed labor, therefore by restricting immigration the workforce may be at harm” (Brochu, Dickson, 2012). Barack Obama wants to crack down on those businesses who continue to exploit immigrants and exploit the system. The president enforces that business document immigrants who are authorized to work legally. Again, his plan is to fix the system, not deport immigrants who are working hard. Barack’s plan enforces legal …show more content…

The construction workforce is made up of a great portion of immigrants. According to Sabrina Golden, “the construction industry, nationally, employs approximately 1 million illegal immigrants; almost one in five illegal immigrants works in construction” (Golden, 2009). More so, many of those immigrants are responsible for building our homes, schools and businesses. Furthermore, their useful skills speaks for itself of why they have been traditionally welcomed in the U.S for so many years.
On another note, immigrants sometimes migrate to the U.S for their well-being and not to pose threats. Immigrants drive to cross the border into the U.S. is driven by the promise of opportunities offered in the states. The U.S. has more opportunities to offer than some other countries. For example, Mexico lacks workforce and health care opportunities. Therefore traveling to the United States, opportunities such as work and health care, and even better living is the purpose of migration. However, there are so many critics who fear immigrants pose a threat to the U.S

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