Immigration And Refugee Crisis Essay

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The ongoing immigration and refugee crisis refers to the massive influx of Latin Americans into the United States and of Middle Easterners into Europe and other respective Western Nations. The purpose of this research is to demonstrate the undiscussed negative toll upon the environment as a result of this immigration.

The crisis first began for America long ago but has gotten much worse relatively recently. It was caused by a desire of many to escape the negative conditions present in their home nations of Latin America. However, this is beginning to cause a strain on resource consumption and the consequences that come with it and it is projected to only get worse at this rate. Meanwhile the crisis for Europe began within the past fifty years and was caused by the many disastrous wars within the third world and the subsequent flow of refugees into Europe. However as Europe has had a higher volume of immigrants compared to the US, it has seen more noticeable issues.

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This is one of the greatest causes of the environmental turbulence ongoing in our world today as everyone is working to live up to the lifestyle of the western world which just isn’t feasible. It has been estimated that were everyone to live up to America’s standards we would require four to five earths.

In our country of the United States and abroad politicians tend to focus on global warming and fossil fuels rather than the main issues such as those caused by population expansion. As this is a preventable issue we could possibly slow down climate change through addressing these affairs rather than allowing this excess immigration that is fed through providing encouragement for countries to deport their excess humans rather than implementing family planning and female rights

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