Illegal Immigration Reflection Paper

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Views on immigration for me were almost nonexistent, I used to not care about immigrants, that is until one knocked on my door. Firstly, I read and watch the news on a daily basis, notably in Spanish news networks immigrants and immigration are a daily occurrence, detailing emotional stories about people on the verge of deportation for any reason. Generally speaking, I'm a US citizen, my parents are US citizens, my family is from the US, what do I care? This doesn't affect me or my family? It all changed completely one fall afternoon in the year 2016. One afternoon while I was talking with my father and watching the news, the doorbell suddenly rang and cut our conversation short. At that moment I started thinking who it could possibly be, then my father looked at me and told me to check for who it was. Reluctantly, I lazily got up from the couch and headed towards the door. After, I peered behind the glass and saw a figure of what …show more content…

I saw firsthand the many struggles that illegal immigrants have to face. Many of them were brought to this country at an early age, so it's like they were born here. Not all are criminals like President Trump has mentioned prior. Through her eyes and tone of her voice, I felt and saw everything she was facing, she was afraid and felt hopeless, thanks to me, I uplifted her mood and gave her hope, making her feel welcomed in this country and like a real human being. Undocumented immigrants are like you and me, they have goals they want to accomplish, they want to go to college and receive their degree, they're not here to cause trouble, they want to help contribute to this country they now call home, they gave up roots to live a better life and succeed here. This country was founded by immigrants, and many more immigrants arrived from every direction of the world to shape this great successful country. Thus, that is how one woman changed my views on undocumented immigrants,

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