Identity And Vocation Analysis

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On Mondays, Identity and Vocation lectures are held, always leaving me with something new to inspire and ponder about. I have enjoyed the lectures every Monday; however there are a few distinct classes, from which the subjects stood out the most, and impacted my view of my own identity and vocation. One of my favorite lectures was actually the very first lecture of the school year. This lecture focused on the partnership that we have with God. I can remember numerous times in which I prayed to God asking Him to use me in certain situations. Professor Jacobson highlighted the idea that we are all God’s tools. The story of Jesus turning water into wine came up in discussion. Why did Jesus use people to fill the jars with water when He could have …show more content…

Looking into my own life, I remember times where I just asked God to do something for me because I couldn’t do it. In reality, God used that situation so that I would rely on him and gain a partnership with Him. My second favorite lecture took place on the fifth of October when the focus of the class was centered on our preferred image. Someone’s preferred image is how they choose to see themselves as opposed to how others see them. I enjoyed this discussion, because I find that I do things to try to make a unique identity for myself. I am victim to letting my community define my identity too much. As an identical twin, I am often being compared to her; therefore, I often see myself based on other people’s remarks. I need to realize, however, that my identity is formed by my community along with my family, God, and myself. Therefore, these lectures have widely influenced my identity with Christ and my calling or vocation to partner with God with my …show more content…

The format of the group has allowed me to be greatly impacted. Having the ability to unite with others in a similar stage in life in this way is refreshing. It has pushed me in my views of my own personal identity and vocation as well by posing many deep and thought provoking questions about my life. One day stands out to me the most. In this gathering, we were asked to define three different characteristics and traits that God would use to describe me. This made me think a lot about my identity and how I see myself as opposed to how God sees me. My vocation was challenged also by my small groups. We got into discussion about how and where in our lives God has called us. I think that this challenged me because I had always accepted the idea that God had called me in my life to various things; however to actually establish and reiterate God’s callings on my life, encouraged me to think critically about God’s exact callings on my

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