Ice Cube Addiction

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Ice Cube Addiction

During September 13th through the 15th, I was addicted to ice cubes for 72 consecutive hours. I had to wear a bright pink bracelet on my arm during these hours and I had to try to hide it from the general population. There were a lot of things I did not expect to happen and there were some things I did expect to happen, during the project. I also came into an awkward situation when I ran out of ice and needed more. This project did teach me the hardships of having an addiction and how this experience might affect me in my chosen profession.

I did the project over the weekend and on a Monday so I had expected it to be relatively easy during the weekend;however, I was wrong. I never realized how much I drunk water, over the weekend, until I had to keep getting up and making ice to drink. I tried to keep on long sleeves when I was around my family but they kept asking me why I had long sleeves on. Therefore, I eventually had to tell a lie and tell them that I was cold and not feeling well. I also did not expect the band around my wrist to be uncomfortable. So, I kept pulling at the band hoping to loosen it up. It also was weird …show more content…

On Mondays I have cheer practice till 5:30pm and I drink a lot of water. I had a bottle of ice cubes for the day; however, by the time cheer practice started the ice cubs had melted. It was hard not to drink anything during practice, so finally I asked my coach if I could have a quick water break. On the one minute break I got, I had to run to the ice room grab some ice and run back to practice, by acting like nothing really happened. I also got a lot of attention pointed to my wrist , when someone who also was doing the project drew the whole squads attention to it. I had to lie and say I was going to rave that night, but no one believed me. Therefore, I then told the squad that my bracelet was for a temporary ID for class at

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