I Want To Pursue A Degree In Criminology

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Law holds a great deal of importance to me as I feel it is my duty to help people in whatever way I can, my aim to do this successfully is to become a human rights lawyer. I plan to read a joint honours in law and criminology, the second part of this will help me understand the criminal justice system, an area of law I am extremely interested in. From a young age I have been exposed to law through my father, who was a solicitor. The way in which people came to him for advice and the fact he provided as much assistance as he could has been a great encouragement in my pursuit into the law environment. Together, we would frequently converse about social and political issues and how we, as citizens, should approach them. My mother is a midwife …show more content…

The application of psychology to the explanations for crime fascinates me. Reading ‘The Jigsaw Man’ by Paul Britton, the UK’s former lead criminal profiler, has immensely influenced my decision to read a degree with criminology, as he used his skills in psychological profiling to bring justice to those that were evading it. Additionally to this my A Level Psychology studies has taught me the importance of properly analysing numerical data and its uses in a subjective study and how I can use them in conjunction with less fact based findings to come to a sound argument. My studies in Philosophy and Ethics have developed my thoughts and attitudes towards moral problems as we look at them from the many different viewpoints of philosophers which gives me different ways to consider them from. They have also helped me develop my essay writing and analytical skills as I have had to accurately and concisely evaluate texts, research papers and religious texts. It also influenced my decision to read a Criminology degree as the current treatment of criminals, how we should treat them, and our collective responsibility intrigues me. Media studies has honed my skill in analytical writing as from this subject it helps me gain cultural context for arguments which is particularly applicable in philosophy and ethics and would be to immensely helpful in a Criminology

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