I Want To Become Anesthesiologist

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For the most part education has always come easy to me. Whether it be math, English, or history almost all subjects came easy to me. Science however was a completely different subject. From environmental science to marine biology, science has always been a subject that I have excelled in. Science, in my opinion, is the most unique subject because it can answer many of the natural world’s questions and help gain a better understanding of the world we live in. Science has been one of my most sincere interests and one day I hope to pursue a career with a scientific focus.

After I graduate from college I aspire to become an anesthesiologist. When most adolescents are asked “What do you want to be when you grow up?” they either elude the question or respond with “I don’t know.” When people asked me, I was the latter type of person. While trying to find the answer to what I wanted my career to be, I came up …show more content…

I can attribute my success in science because of my yearning to gain as much knowledge as possible of the world that I live in. Another major factor that has allowed me to succeed in science is my desire to want to learn about the natural world around me. Whether it has been planetary systems, human biology, and ecosystems I’ve always strived to learn more about how things function. Part of the reason why I have a desire to learn more about the scientific world is because of the learning process. Inside of the usual learning process is a question is asked and the pupil is taught from point “A” to point “B”. However, the scientific learning process is more unique process that requires the pupil to be more versatile. In this process the pupil asks the question and takes a nonlinear path to the answer. I believe this is the basis of scientific learning and why I enjoy and excel in the

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