I Want To Be A Successful Student At Penn State

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I believe that I will be a successful student at Penn State, as I am a very ambitious student who has had the opportunity to pursue their passion at a higher level and have the necessary traits to be an inspiring individual. The numerous opportunities and experiences I went through helped me become the successful person I am today. I am planning to use my skills gained from these experiences to become a more successful student at Penn State. Throughout high school, and throughout my entire life, I have always challenged myself. I challenged myself to take numerous advanced courses. I challenged myself to participate in activities outside of my interests. I challenged myself to step out of my comfort zone and begin to love myself. A key skill that an individual needs to have is to be able to challenge themselves. I believe that my self-ability to challenge myself will make me a successful student at Penn State. By taking challenging courses and participating in numerous activities outside of my interests, I will be able to grow into a better person at Penn …show more content…

I have held numerous leadership positions throughout high school. I have assisted students in their scientific research. I led a microbiology crew in my sophomore year. I inspired peers to take on research as an extracurricular activity. Being a leader and taking on such positions helped me grow into the person I am today. Being a leader inspired me to take on new opportunities, set an excellent example for my peers to follow, and made me realize that even one person can make a difference. Having these leadership skills will help me succeed as a student at Penn State. In order to be a successful student, one must be able to stand out from the crowd, initiate an idea, and execute that idea. In my future years at Penn State, I hope to be able to inspire my peers by utilizing my leadership skills and create an innovative group of

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