I Love Tennis Research Paper

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Since I was young, I never had much of an interest in sports. I found myself easily bored by them and left behind in the whole excitement of the game. The only reason I mention this is because it’s an important part of understanding my relationship with tennis. When I entered the 10th grade, I looked for extracurricular activities to join, since I had not joined any during middle school nor the first year of high school. I chose tennis for my sport because I had taken a few lessons when I was much younger and seemed to remember those fondly, or at the very least, more fondly than any other sport. The initial reason I decided to play tennis as an extracurricular activity was to help pad my future college application. However, I quickly found myself getting wrapped up in the sport. …show more content…

I was excited when they were excited to win, and disappointed when they were disappointed to lose. Unfortunately, since tennis is mostly an individual sport, that’s all I was able to do for them. However, most of all, I wanted to improve my playing skills and get better at the sport. So, I practiced hard and played myself to a final Win-Lose ratio of 3-3. Since this was the first time I had played a sport in any sort of competitive capacity, I was fairly proud of the relatively low score.
I became unreasonably confident in my tennis prowess and elected to not practice during the gap between seasons, choosing instead to just let my natural talent carry me through the downtime. When tennis season finally arrived, I was incredibly unprepared. Any tennis skills I had possessed before the break had become nearly rusted beyond use, and my final tally reflected that. I came out of the season with the grand total of one victory, which occurred when the person I was set to play didn’t show up to the

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