I Have A Dream Speech Rhetorical Devices

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Segregation is the separation and the act of treating others different from one another. The speech “I have a dream speech” by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. he is trying to persuade the audience to put up a non- violent fight for justice and freedom for black people. Dr. King uses rhetorical devices such as anaphora, metaphor, an allusion to persuade his audience. When Dr. King uses the rhetorical device of anaphora to repeat and help the phrase to stick with the audience. One example of anaphora is “ I have a dream” which is used all throughout the speech. The repetition of “I have a dream” helps to convey how much Dr. King wants freedom for black people. Another example of anaphora in Dr. King’s speech is the repetition of “one day”. “One day” is used to say that Dr. King knows that in the future that no one will be treated differently for their race. A metaphor is also a rhetorical device that Dr. King used to convince the audience that they aren't free. An example of these metaphors is “ the heat of injustice and oppression”. This is a comparison of heat which is hot and horrible to injustice which is also bad. This comparison helps the audience to understand and compare things that they don’t know to things they do know. Dr. King uses the metaphor “ oasis of freedom and justice” to tell black …show more content…

An example of how doctor king uses allusion is the reference to the constitution “ ‘we hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal’ ”. This allusion reveals that Dr. King is trying to say that even though stated in the laws that all people equal they aren’t treated as such. “ the state of Alabama, whose governors lips are currently dripping with the words of interposition and nullification” is a reference on how at the time the governor was racist and supported the races minds in

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