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“Hypnosis is simply making a change in the subconscious mind.”-Laura Brynton King

Hypnosis is very similar to daydreaming. When a person is daydreaming, they alter their state of consciousness. The same occurs when a patient is put into a hypnotic trance. The patient remains conscious and aware enough to hear, talk and make decisions, but are unaware of all outer distractions.(King) The patient concentrates on a specific goal they would like to achieve using hypnotherapy. This process allows the patient to set their mind on the addictions and overcome their problems.


Hypnosis is a state of mind that is induced by a hypnotist. This state of mind is a process that must be done carefully in order to keep your patient relaxed. The patient remains conscious throughout the entire process, but is not affected by outside distractions. This allows the subject to be open about a specific problem they are having difficulty with. For example, if a patient was having a problem with addiction, this would be the topic of discussion. The hypnotist would carefully ask questions and get the patient to confront their problems head on. This would make the patient much more aware of their problem and the effect it has on their life. Although this process seems easy, a hypnotist must be careful how they work the discussion.

The Process of Hypnosis

The process of hypnosis is not simple and can easily fall apart if the patient is pushed to far. Undoubtedly, the most prominent influence in modern hypnosis is the work done by Dr. Milton H. Erickson. Dr. Erickson realized that the most efficient way to help patients during hypnotherapy was not to tell them what they should change, but rather to use suggestions for self-betterment. He uses countless strategies and guided imagery to help his patients access their individual internal abilities to heal themselves. He discovered th...

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...rge to smoke, he could stop, bring himself into a hypnotic trance and reinforce in his head his need to stop smoking. Mr. B. felt very confident after completing these sessions. He would continue to help himself succeed by using the tools he had learned.


As it turns out, there is much more to the practice of hypnosis then meets the eye. There are no magic powers used, it is simply a person who has mastered the power of subconscious suggestion to help improve someone's life. These methods have been around since the beginning of history as we know it, and possibly before. This art of healing has been passed down by words and pictures, has recently been accepted in the medical profession as an appropriate use of healing, and also as an alternative to anesthesia. As research continues, more facts are being learned about hypnotism and hypnotherapy as well as more useful methods of helping patients help themselves to personal betterment.

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