Hyphen School Reflection

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While watching the videos from “Hyphen Nation”, I realized school could not have played a role in making Wendy, Ayman, Roy, or Armando feel more included. Each of these students were bullied at school for the way they look and were laughed at because they had ancestors that were not from America. In school, it was a constant reminder to them as to how different they were from everyone else. Even though they were all born and raised in America, because of the way they look, their peers would laugh and make fun of them. Wendy is a Chinese-American and was constantly bullied and made fun of at school. In her school, there was a Chinese boy who she was friends with and everyone would laugh and joke about them marrying each other. Wendy was an outcast for the way she looked at school and must have felt isolated. Wendy also had many friends, but she looked different from all of them because she was Chinese. Wendy felt like an outsider at school and unincluded.
Ayman is an African-American and was laughed at because of the color of his skin. People in school would ask …show more content…

I know what it is like to be the girl in class. I will try my hardest to make each girl and boy feel equal and not make anyone feel lesser than someone else. I will have a girl occasionally do a job in class that a boy should do and the other way around. Your gender should not determine your strengths and weaknesses. I will also be strong in understanding and respecting the color of my students. The color of your skin does not define you. Just because an African American boy acts up does not mean that I must kick him out. He deserves a warning just like the white student would get. Also, I understand class. I will not make materials that are not essential to the class mandatory. I will provide materials for my students because I know how it feels to not be able to buy a nice binder or folder because you cannot afford

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