Huxley Brave New World Quote Analysis

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Aldus Huxley’s, Brave New World is a darkly satiric vision of a “utopian” future where humans are genetically bred and pharmaceutically anesthetized to passively serve a ruling order. Huxley’s warnings have scared readers for nearly a century. He puts the readers on the edge of their seats and makes us think about what we are doing for tomorrow. Where does the future lie and what does it hold? Is Huxley just a speculative fiction genius, or is he from the future sending us a message? How close are we to a mindlessly controlled society that Huxley is presenting?
OK, let's start with the time. Huxley establishes in Chapter 1 that the year is A.F. 632. We are told in Chapter 3 that the introduction of the first Ford Model-T was year "zero" for this calendar meaning that these events happened in 1908. Doing some simple math, this puts us at the year 2540 as the year in which Brave New World takes place. We learn about the ‘The Nine Years' war (an international war, WW lll?) occurred in A.F. 141 (2049) and brought devastating chemical and biological warfare. People had no choice but to accept World Control as the only solution. Mustapha Mond tells us, “You can't …show more content…

Starting at 12 month old, children start saying between six and twenty recognizable words, children will start to understand many more. These recognizable words are words children hear every day, in the Brave New World children learn (in other words they’re “conditioned”) by the practice of hypnopedia. Hypnopedia is sleep teaching, and the controllers use it in Brave New World to "condition" humanity to accept promiscuity, use and abuse soma , and "brainwash" them to accept the values and principles of the Brave New World. Hypnopedia are played while the individual are asleep. While awake, the individual will spit out these slogans automatically and behave however the controllers want them to

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