Assertions In Brave New World

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The novel Brave New World written by Aldous Huxley has been reviewed over time by many different people. Neil Postman is a man who has read Huxley’s novel and came to conclusions himself about the comparison between the novel, and the modern day problems we have in today’s society. Postman has made many relevant assertions as to how our modern society is similar to what Huxley had written about in his novel. The three main points I agree on with Postman is that people will begin to love their oppression; people would have no reason to fear books; and that the truth will be drowned by irrelevance. The first assertion Postman made regarded people loving their oppression. The assertion Postman made was, “As he (Huxley) saw it, people will …show more content…

People are afraid that they will be judged for telling the truth or that they will be punished. So they just hide it or cover it up. People tend to believe covering the truth with something different is better to “protect” people from harm. A quote I found to show this was, “In fact, you’re claiming the right to be unhappy”(pg. 240). This quote shows that the people are willing to be unhappy instead of speaking the truth. They fear they will be punished or made fun of for speaking the truth so they tend to keep it to themselves. I wish people were to speak the truth at all times so be straightforward with people. A society full of lies is not good because it can mislead people into thinking that something is ok when in reality it is not. John the Savage had said in chapter sixteen, “It all seems to me quite horrible” (pg. 244).This is when he is asked about the world state and he does not like how it's run because people are not who they want to be but rather who they are conditioned to be. John however, is a threat to the World State. An article about individualism in Brave New World states, John’s bold individualism is something that must be rebuked and contained; he is much more threatening to the …show more content…

“In Brave New World, they are controlled by inflicting pleasure.” By this Huxley meant he feared that what we love will ruin us. I don’t believe this to be true because someone could love something very passionately, but it won't ruin their life. For example, I love cooking and it has always been something that I enjoy doing. Just because I love something doesn't mean that it will ruin me. There are many other things that I love doing that do not ruin me just because i love them. If anything, it betters my life because i have found something that i really love doing and i can continue to do those things. I understand how Huxley thinks this because in his novel he had the happy pill called soma. Everyone loved taking soma because it made their troubles go away, although in the long run it ruined their lives because they never learned how to properly deal with their emotions. This can cause problems within the society because if people don’t know how to cope with their problems, then the society can fall

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