Hurricane Harvey Research Paper

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Hurricane Harvey caused the United States to pay $180,000,000,000 for the damages.The storm took place from August 17, 2017 - September 3, 2017. I say that Hurricane Harvey DID show the reality in climate change because scientist have been taking test that show what climate change did to the planet. People have been talking more about storms that hit the United States because it happens so often but now people are just now noticing the reality of them.
I believe the Hurricane did show reality because it is the main cause of tropical storms. Storms that bring high wind, floods, damages, power outages, and deaths. Author Wayne Madsen states “This happens due to non-stop production of greenhouse gases, which come from burning fossil fuels like gasoline.” That means the gases are building up causes the waters to warm and the air to also get warm. The gases come from burning fossil fuels that works like gasoline. Harvey was caused by one big factor and that is the green house gases.
Storms around the world have caused many many deaths but this Storm did not. Author Wayne Madsen says …show more content…

But it has nothing to do with global climate change.” That is saying Storms hit Texas and other parts of the United States but Hurricane Harvey was a build up of smaller storms that all hit at once. Cliff Mass, A scientist said that the storms did not cause climate change and did not show the reality in global warming. Since storms like Havey have been happening just not this extreme nothing can be blamed for one storm being greater and bigger than the previous ones. That is a fact because Tropical storms before Harvey have caused 6,000 - 12,000 deaths but Harvey was less than 100 deaths. The hurricane Harvey was just a build up of storms that all hit the east coast at once not many lives were lost but there was a lot of

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