Humorous Wedding Speech: Their Eyes Were Watching God

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FROM THE PASTORS DESK: Good morning everyone, so good to be saved and loving the Lord. Gosh I mess up so much sometimes, I wonder if the Lord even loves me. Then I smak the devil with the word. The spirit of the Lord gives me the hope I need to make it through my day. Thank you Jesus. You know the old story of how to boil a frog. You don’t put him in a pot of boiling water. You drop him in the boiling water and he’ll jump out before he’s injured. So you put him in a pot of cold water, and he’s perfectly comfortable. Then you put him on the stove, and little by little the water gets warm. It’s very pleasant at first. Then it gets to Jacuzzi level, and he begins to be a little alarmed. Finally, when it’s boiling, it’s too late. Some “Christians” are like that, aren’t they? …show more content…

First they get into the world and it’s oh so pleasant at first. And then it gets a little warmer and it’s pleasanter yet. And one day we realize the danger: “This is going to kill me, and I haven’t the strength to get out!” I know this sounds a little odd but there are folks trying to walk with God and keep holding hands with the Devil. There are millions of people in this world that would claim to be Christians but if you were to examine their lives you would find that they are no different than those who don’t claim to be Christians. There are those who claim to be Christians who lie, cheat, steal, etc. just like everyone else. Well, I want you to know this morning that you can’t walk with God and hold hands with the Devil. Today I would like to talk to you about

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